(IIA )
(IIA )

IIA has revealed the truth(IIA )

Parade of planets: The results of the Lok Sabha elections in India are going to come on June 4. But a day before that, something will be seen in the sky, for which the whole world is waiting. Everyone is eagerly waiting for the parade of planets in the sky on June 3. This is a very rare event. It is being said that the planets will be visible with naked eyes only on June 3, but the Indian Institute of Astrophysics (IIA), (IIA ) Bangalore has told the truth, rejecting many things being spread on social media.

The planet parade is also called planet alignment. In this situation, the planets of the solar system come in a straight line. Niruj Mohan Ramanujam, Chief of the Scope Section of IIA, said, ‘First of all, this event will not happen only on June 3. These planets can be seen in a straight line for many days in the coming week.’

He said, Jupiter is close to the Sun in the days before June 3 and Mercury will be close to the Sun after June 3, so June 3 is the most accurate date. Ramanujam said, ‘You can go out before sunrise every day in the coming week and try to see as many planets as possible.’

In the coming week, people can clearly see a somewhat yellow Saturn in the morning sky towards the east, and red Mars can be seen below it. Ramanujam said that the rest of the planets that should be visible during the parade will not be easy to identify.

He said, ‘About 20 minutes before sunrise, Jupiter and Mercury will be less than 10 degrees above the Eastern Horizon. Uranus and Neptune will look very faint to the naked eye as usual. Venus will appear very close to the Sun.’ Ramanujam also dismissed the discussion going on in social media that the planets will be in a straight line only on June 3.

He said, ‘The orbits of the planets around the Sun are almost in the same flat area and each of them is inclined only a few degrees to the Earth’s orbit. Therefore, when viewed from Earth, the position of the planet will be almost in a flat area all the time.’ Ramanujam also said that this phenomenon cannot be called rare, as such alignments can be seen every few years. He said, ‘Such occasions where more than three-four planets are on one side of the Sun and are closer to each other than usual are called planetary parades.’

Ramanujam said that however rare or not the phenomenon is, it is always a pleasant experience to see the planets with your naked eyes. He said, ‘It is indeed a beautiful sight. But just remember, if you sleep too much on June 3, you may have to wake up early the next day to see the view.’