Horoscope for December 4, 2021

Relationship with family will be strong. With a little hard work, you will easily achieve your goals. There will be a lot of improvement in the economic situation. The day is good for business. Try to complete every task with patience and understanding. Married life will be full of happiness. Overall, today will be a better day. Marital happiness will be there, there will be estrangement with partner in love, be careful. Give a chocolate gift made of milk to the partner, this will strengthen the love relationship. Profits will increase in business. You will get the support of friends.
Religious tendencies will dominate you today. Keep the diet balanced. Friends can ask you for advice to solve their personal problems. Apologize for misbehavior in love. Do not believe the things you hear and test the truth thoroughly. Worry about the health of the spouse. You can invest time in the best things. You will get help in job.
You are going to be romantic today. Keep a green handkerchief, the economic situation will improve. Good contacts will be made with high officials in business.
Your personality will attract everyone. Avoid getting caught in any financial schemes- Be very careful while investing. Due to the ill health of a member of the family, the tour program may be postponed. Your courage will be successful in getting you love. Clouds of apprehensions may hover over married life. Keeping a rabbit will give auspicious results. You can complete your search for a girlfriend through social media.

Today will be full of happiness. There will be a better rapport with everyone in the workplace. Sudden monetary gains from new sources balance the financial situation. You can attend some function in the evening. The mind will be happy to meet some old friends. There is going to be some good news. The hard work done in the right direction will bear full fruit. The carelessness of your life partner can increase the distance in the relationship. Chanting the mantra Om Ketve Namah 11 times will lead to progress in job and business. The outline of the Manglik event will be made. Will buy a new vehicle.

You should avoid doing money transactions. Today will be a mixed day for people associated with music. If you are troubled by the problem of back pain for a few days, then you will get rid of it. Avoid paying attention to any kind of old things. Relations with friends will improve. Due to your shy nature, there will be distance in the personal relationship of the person. Family life is good by keeping banana root with you. Money will suddenly come near, which will reduce expenses.

Marital relationship will be full of sweetness. Activity in the social sector will increase. Positive results can be achieved in any work. There is a chance to meet an old friend. It will be good for people associated with the media sector of this zodiac. You will get some good news related to the family. You will feel refreshed in terms of health. Relationships will be spoiled due to misunderstanding with your partner. Love relations will be strengthened by using blue shoes today. There will be an increase in material comforts.

Will spend happy moments of laughter with family members. The economic side will remain strong. Students will get full support of their teachers. There will be happiness from the side of children. They can get success in any field. There will be new ways to earn money, which will be looked into. Someone will be attracted towards you by your nature. Fill water in a glass bottle and chant Vishnu Sahasranama, then accept it, work will be done. New opportunities to advance in career will also emerge.

Any problem can be solved. The economic situation will remain normal. Refrain from sharing your personal matter with others, as well as avoid taking any big decision in a hurry. You need to balance your thinking and behavior. Married life will be full of sweetness. The situation in business will be fine. You will complete your work well. Do not worry about the health of your spouse, you will be able to spend more time together. Wearing a silver bracelet will improve your financial condition. Will spend the day by spending time with friends.
Any thought work will be completed. There will be a new change in the career of the students of this zodiac, which is going to be beneficial for their future. It will be good in terms of health. You’ll feel better. People of this zodiac who are associated with the work of social sites, they will get to know someone who will benefit them a lot. You may have to go out for some business work. Clouds of apprehensions may hover over married life. Wearing a ring made of black horseshoe will improve health. The economic situation will improve.
You can make a new plan today to set your goal. Will be successful in resolving domestic problems peacefully. Those who are in government jobs, today they will get some good news. There will also be full cooperation from senior officials. The situation in the family will also be favorable. Will plan to go on a religious trip with friends. The journey will be auspicious. The day will be very special for love. Feed the red cow by mixing wheat, millet, jaggery, there will be a shower of happiness in love relationship. Be very careful in bank related transactions.

Relations with siblings will improve. Spouse will be affected by things. The day will be good in business matters. There are chances of success in social work. Some new work will come up, for which some important people will also be met. By getting some good news till evening, there will be an atmosphere of happiness in the house. Need help in planning for married life. Keep water in a copper vessel while sleeping, put it in the root of a tree near the house the next morning, health will be good. Be careful in financial transactions.

There will be a big challenge related to the job, but you will overcome that challenge immediately. The atmosphere of the house will remain good. There will be opportunities for sudden monetary gains. Luck will get full support. Others will be impressed by your work. New avenues for your progress will open. With sweetness in love, trust will also increase. Everyone will be ready to help each other. Offer 5 red flowers to a Hanuman temple, it will increase the happiness of family life. Today there will be opportunities for sudden monetary gains. Luck will get full support.
Pt. Subhash Pandey