Guidelines of Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath to High Level Team-09


★ There is an increase in new cases of corona in the state. A total of 992 new infected were confirmed in the investigation of 01 lakh 66 thousand 33 samples done in the last 24 hours. In the same period, 77 people were treated and became corona free. Today the total number of active Kovid cases in the state is 3173. Therefore, it is necessary to follow the corona protocol at all times. There is no need to panic and get upset, alertness and caution are needed. People should be encouraged to wear masks, take vaccine covers and practice social distancing. This is the best first aid measure.

★ The state government is determined to protect the life and livelihood of every resident of the state. In view of the changing circumstances of Kovid, all necessary steps should be taken in the larger public interest on the basis of consultation with the Health Expert Advisory Panel constituted at the state level. People should not panic unnecessarily, they should be given correct, accurate and proper information. Experts believe that this variant is much less harmful than the earlier variants. It is not a major threat to a healthy-normal person who has taken the vaccine cover.

★ In all government and private schools up to class 10th, a holiday should be declared till Makar Sankranti. His vaccination will continue during this period. Although at present the number of active Kovid cases in any district of the state is not more than 1000. But keeping in view the wider public interest, in the districts where the minimum number of active cases exceeds 1000, public places like gym, spa, cinema hall, banquet hall, restaurant etc. should be operated with 50 percent capacity. In marriage ceremonies and other events, not more than 100 people should participate in closed places at a time. The presence of more than 50 percent of the total capacity of the ground should not be allowed in the open space. Mask-sanitizer is mandatory. Night corona curfew should be implemented from 10 pm to 6 am. This arrangement should be made effective from Thursday, January 06.

★ Kovid help desk should be made functional with immediate effect in all government, semi-government, private, trust etc. institutions, companies, historical monuments, offices, religious places, hotels-restaurants, industrial units of the state. Day care centers should also be established as per the need. Do not allow anyone to enter the premises without screening/sanitisation.

★ Genome sequencing for the identification of Kovid variants has confirmed the Omicron variant in 23 people. Tracing and testing of the people who came in contact with all these should be done. There should be continuous monitoring of the health of all.

★ Uttar Pradesh Testing and Immunization ranks first in the country by doing more than 20 crore 50 lakh covid vaccinations and more than 09 crore 36 lakh tests. Here more than 07 crore 53 lakh people have been provided with the security cover of Kovid by giving both the doses of the vaccine. 12 crore 97 lakh people have received the first dose of the vaccine. In this way, about 88 percent of the total population of the state eligible for vaccination has received both the first and 51 percent. So far, more than 3.5 lakh adolescents have got the vaccine cover in the Kovid vaccination of children in the age group of 15 to 18, which started from January 03. Vaccination needs to be accelerated. All necessary efforts should be made in this regard.

★ Monitoring Committee and Integrated Kovid Command Center should be fully activated. Monitoring committees should be functional in villages under the leadership of Pradhan and in urban wards under the leadership of councilors. People without vaccination should be identified by door-to-door contact. Their list should be given to the district administration. Medicine kits should be made available to the people as per the need. The availability of life saving drugs useful in the treatment of Kovid should be ensured.

★ Considering the importance of testing, a minimum of three to four lakh tests should be done every day. Before authorizing private labs for covid testing, their past records should be seen. Quality testing is mandatory. Nodal officers of every district should communicate with their respective districts. Keep an eye on every situation.

★ Integrated Kovid Command and Control Center (ICCC) set up in all the districts of the state should be kept active 24×7. Regular meetings should be held there as before. A panel of specialist doctors was present in ICCC. Teleconsultation facility should be given to the people. This should be given wide publicity by making the ICCC help number public. People can contact there immediately on any need. Ambulance be in 24×7 active mode. Better use of public address system. People should be contacted through CM helpline.

★ Compulsory of 48 hours before Kovid RTPCR negative report should be implemented for devotees coming to ‘Prayagraj Magh Mela’, a symbol of faith. Full care should be taken for the convenience of all the devotees including the Kalpavas.