Got permission to eat locusts

European: The most locusts occur in the rainy season which completely ruins the crops and agriculture. But now to deal with this, the European Commission has approved locusts to eat. After getting this permission, now humans can consume locusts in breakfast. Let’s find out why this has happened.

It is safe for humans to eat locusts. In this way, now locusts have also been added to the approved food list of the European Union. This is the second time that insects have been considered safe to eat. Earlier in June, the European Union authorized the eating of yellow mealyworm larvae of the beetle.

The European Union also told that locusts can be eaten as a snack or as a meal. Apart from this, they can also be eaten in dried or frozen form by removing their wings and legs or by making powder.
The European Food Safety Authority says that adult locusts of the insect species Migratoria can be eaten without any safety concerns. This is because they are rich in protein. However, consuming locusts should be avoided by those who are allergic to crustaceans, mites and mollusks as it can trigger their allergies.

According to the Food Agriculture Organization, these insects are high in fat, protein, vitamins, fiber and minerals and have also been identified as a highly nutritious and healthy food source.
Let us tell you, locusts destroy thousands of acres of crops every year in many countries of the world including India. They usually arise when there is heavy rain. These locusts travel several kilometers in a few hours and can go anywhere in the direction of the wind. They fly in groups. About 4 crore locusts are included in one of their teams. In such a situation, when they attack the crop, they eat a day’s food of 35 thousand people in a day. Now you can imagine the extent to which locusts damage crops.