first put the mind in gear, the learning driver”

BEIJING / LONDON: While many global leaders including Prime Minister Narendra Modi, US President Joe Biden, French President Emmanuel Macron have congratulated Liz Truss on the election of Liz Truss as the Prime Minister of Britain, China is making fun of Liz Truss. Instead of congratulating Liz Truss, the Chinese Communist Party mouthpiece Global Times has given an admonition. By writing an article in the name of a British citizen, the Global Times has described Liz Truss as the learning driver of the post of British Prime Minister.


Not only this, this pitiful media of Xi Jinping has also said that he should put his mind in gear before opening his mouth. In fact, the Global Times is furious about British Prime Minister Liz Truss’s anti-China stand. He had also made fierce rhetoric against China during the election campaign. Global Times wrote that after waiting for almost nine weeks, Britain finally got to know the name of its new prime minister. Unfortunately for Britain, that name is Liz Truss. He defeated all the contenders including the remaining finalist Rishi Sunak after an electoral process.

During the election process he expressed his intention to implement policies which may not be practically possible. Liz Truss is a learning driver of the Prime Minister’s car. She needs to learn very quickly if she wants to take Britain forward. They have to put their brains into gear before they can even open their mouths. The Chinese Communist Party’s mouthpiece wrote that his tone of China had been poisonous. She wants to declare China a “threat” to Britain’s national security, according to The Times newspaper. It will reshape foreign policy and present China as the enemy, where Russia currently occupies. Britain is clearly waging a proxy war in Ukraine with Russia. Does she really want that? This idea must have pleased his supporters.

Despite being the foreign minister, he seems to have a poor understanding of international relations. She is such a woman whose position is more or less that she can do anything to fulfill her ambitions. He himself should, after being elected prime minister, distance himself from the endorsement of his exaggerated statements, or put his words into practice.

China could be a nightmare for them. Not only is it not going to benefit Britain though, they themselves don’t even know how to do it. Had she been a woman seeking advice, she could have saved herself from futile rhetoric to tempt people. Anti-China sentiment could be removed. Confrontational language only heightens tensions between governments, although what is needed is a deeper, more nuanced understanding of the complexities of relations between nations.