
female(female)  professor accused of misbehavior

London. An award-winning professor who studies honesty at Harvard University has been accused of fraud. Francesca Gino, a professor of behavioral science at Harvard University, has been accused of arbitrarily fabricating data in four(female)  different research papers over the past ten years. It also includes the study of honest behavior.

Harvard Business School (HBS) well-known professor Francesca Gino has faced serious allegations. Gino, who has co-authored more than 135 academic papers in multiple journals, has been accused of fabricating data in several studies that Harvard has been investigating for more than a year.

The glitch first came to light in 2012
The hoax came to light when a 2012 paper Gino co-authored for the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences was retracted by the journal for fudging the results. Here, Max Bjerman, co-author of a 2012 paper with Professor Francesca Gino at Harvard Business School, has revealed, as reported by The Chronicle of Higher Education. Actually this information was given by Harvard itself that fake data was used in a study of Gino.

The co-writer had also leveled the allegations, he himself had denied wrongdoing
Bjarman said Harvard provided 14 pages of concrete evidence of data tampering, including unauthorized database access and file manipulation. Bjerman denied involvement in the alleged data fraud and told the news, “I have nothing to do with this fraud.”