
Eid (Eid)preparations in full swing across the world

New Delhi. Preparations for Eid (Eid) are in full swing across the country including Delhi, but mainly the question is that on which day will Eid take place? Usually Ramadan starts 1 day earlier in Saudi Arabia and Eid is also celebrated 1 day earlier. If seen on this basis, there is a possibility of celebrating Eid on Saturday across the country because the moon of Eid has been sighted in Saudi Arabia and Eid will be celebrated there on Friday. On the other hand, in India too, Eid will be celebrated on Saturday or Sunday. This time there is a big possibility that the moon of Eid will be sighted on 21st i.e. Friday and Eid will be celebrated across the country on Saturday.

What to do on the day of Eid, how to celebrate Eid?
After keeping the fast of Ramadan, the happiness of Eid has been given as a reward by Allah. This is the reason why fasting on the day of Eid is forbidden. It has been ordered to celebrate and distribute happiness on the day of Eid. This is the reason why every Muslim has been ordered before the Eid prayer to distribute Sadaqat-ul-Fitr among the poor so that everyone can join in the joy of Eid. It has been ordered to share the happiness of Eid with everyone. All friends, relatives, local people and countrymen can be called home. Can go to his house. Eid Mubarak has been asked to each other.

How and where to offer Eid prayer
There is an order to offer Eid prayer in Eidgah i.e. outside your locality and city. Doing this is the method and Sunnah of Hazrat Mohammad, if this is not possible then Eid prayer should be offered in the Jama Masjid of the city or village or in the Jama Masjid of the locality. Go from one way to offer Eid prayers and come back from the other way.

Imam Mohammad Arshad Nadvi of Majidia Masjid Moti Lal Nehru Marg told that there is a hadith of the Messenger of Allah. Try to see the moon on 21st April. After Maghrib prayer, go to the terrace or go to a high place in the west where the moon is visible, watch the moon from where the sun sets. The Royat Hilal Committee decides on the sighting of the moon. If someone sees the moon, then it is his responsibility to inform the committee, more important than that, inform the responsible people of your area. To see the moon, it is necessary that two men or one man and two women testify about the sighting of the moon. It is necessary for the one who testifies that he should be a responsible person and should be honest. Dua is recited after sighting the moon. May Allah make this moon a source of peace and peace, fasting cannot be observed after seeing the moon. It is forbidden to fast on the day of Eid.

try to see the moon on jumma tomorrow in india
The decision regarding Ramadan or Eid is taken from the date of the moon. The order to try to see the moon has been given by Hazrat Mohammad Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam. An appeal has also been issued by the Ruyat Hilal Committee to try to see the moon on Friday (April 21) in India.

Several Ruyat Hilal committees in Delhi take decisions regarding the moon
There are mainly three Ruyat Hilal committees in Delhi, Jama Masjid Ruyat Hilal Committee headed by Shahi Imam Ahmad Bukhari. Let’s decide the moon by contacting the whole country. Similarly, the building of Jamiat Ulema-e-Hind is Royat Hilal Committee of Shariah Hind, this committee also decides about the moon by contacting them. The third major committee headed by Shahi Imam Masjid Fatehpuri Mufti Mukarram takes a decision regarding the moon.