Drama queen has immense money

New Delhi: The bold and impeccable style of actress Rakhi Sawant, who is called the drama queen of Bollywood, keeps her in the discussion. The actress remains in controversies due to any of her statements or actions. People usually make the mistake of taking Rakhi Sawant lightly, but Rakhi’s presence is such that she handled the TRP of TV’s biggest reality show Bigg Boss when its condition was very bad.

The fans of Rakhi Sawant, the master of many arts like dance, acting and drama, also mostly know about her work front. Neither much news comes about her personal life, nor does she ever seem to talk openly about it. But today on her birthday, we are going to tell you many interesting facts about Rakhi Sawant’s life.

According to a report by our partner website India.com, Rakhi Sawant is the owner of a total property of Rs 37 crore. There is also a luxurious bungalow in his name, which costs around Rs 11 crore. Rakhi is fond of expensive and luxury vehicles and few people know that she has vehicles like ‘Polo Car’ and ‘Ford Endeavor’.

Even now, if you are considering Rakhi Sawant as just a sensation and drama actress, then let us tell you that Rakhi has also bought 2 flats in Andheri and Juhu in the posh area of ​​Mumbai. Fans also do not know about Rakhi Sawant that her real name is Neeru Bheda. He changed his name to enter the industry. Today she dominates social media.