( Roman)
( Roman)

Discovery of Roman ( Roman)era military camps

London. Military bases built about two thousand years ago have been found in Saudi Arabia. According to Sky News, three Roman ( Roman) –era military camps dating back some 2,000 years have been discovered in the desert of Saudi Arabia. The camps were discovered by researchers from the University of Oxford, who located the camps using Google Earth. A study detailing the discovery has been published in the journal Antiquity.

Researchers say the find is suggested as evidence of a Roman expedition to Saudi Arabia in southeast Jordan during the 2nd century, Sky News reported. Researchers claim that these camps were built during the Roman takeover of the Nabataean Kingdom of Jordan in 106 AD. Dr. Michael Fradley, a member of the team that identified the camps, said it was almost certain they were built by the Roman army, given the distinctive playing card shape of the enclosures with opposite entrances along each side.

He said that these camps were established as protected barracks when the Romans began their Arab conquest. Dr Fradley said the way these camps have been preserved is “remarkable”, noting that these structures were temporary and used “for a few days or weeks”. According to the report, these camps are located at a distance of 37-44 kilometers from each other, which indicates that it was very difficult for the infantry to cross it in a day.