( Tibetan )
( Tibetan )

Disclosure of Tibetan ( Tibetan )religious leader Dalai Lama

Hospice. Tibetan ( Tibetan ) spiritual leader Dalai Lama told media persons in Dharamshala before visiting Delhi and Ladakh that he is ready to hold talks with China on the issue of Tibetans. China wanted to contact him officially and unofficially.

The Dalai Lama said that I have always been ready for talks. Now China has also realized that the passion and feelings of Tibetans are very strong from inside. That’s why he wants to contact me to deal with the problems of Tibetans, I also have no objection.

Answering the question whether he wants to start talks with China again, the Dalai Lama said, ‘We are not demanding independence, we had already taken the decision many years ago that we want to be part of the People’s Republic of China. Parts will remain.. Now China is also changing. The Chinese want to contact me officially and unofficially. ,

The Tibetan spiritual leader said, ‘I was born in Tibet and lived with the name Dalai Lama, but apart from working in the interest of Tibet, I am working for the welfare of all sentient beings. Without losing hope, I did what I could, and maintained my devotion to my flag. I have no grudge against anyone, not even those Chinese leaders who took a tough stand against Tibet. Actually China has also been a Buddhist country, when I went there, I saw many temples and monasteries there.

Will serve after living for more than 100 years – Dalai Lama
The Dalai Lama says about Tibetan culture and religion that it can greatly benefit the world, I believe that the wealth of knowledge in Tibetan culture and religion can greatly benefit the world. Although I respect all religions and cultures.

He further said that, according to my own dreams and predictions which I have received indications, I expect to live more than 100 years. I have always served others and I will continue this throughout my life. Let us tell you that on July 6, the Dalai Lama celebrated his 88th birthday and visited the main Tibetan temple in Dharamshala.