Deep hatred towards Pashtuns in Pakistan

Durand Line: Bitterness is increasing these days in India’s neighboring two Muslim countries, Pakistan and Afghanistan. Pakistan Air Force Afghanistan India Neighborhood On what are the two Muslim countries clashing? This is the reason why there is increasing hatred between Pakistan and Afghanistan, who call each other iron friends in India’s neighbourhood. Looking at the recent events, the prospects look something like this.

According to media reports, Pakistan has carried out several major attacks on Pashtun tribals living in Afghanistan in recent times by crossing the Durand Line. These attacks, in the name of counter-terrorist operations, reveal Pakistan’s deep hatred against Pashtuns.

The Pakistani Air Force carried out several attacks in other border provinces of Kunar, Khost, Paktika and other border areas of Afghanistan. Rockets fired from Pakistani helicopters killed more than 40 people in Afghanistan. Although the Taliban only accepted the death of 6 people. The tribals, especially the Pashtuns, who live in the hilly areas on both sides of the border, have been a frequent target of the Pakistani army.

Afghanistan does not recognize Durand Line
The root of all this dispute is the Durand Line dividing the two countries, which Afghanistan does not recognize. Afghanistan says that the British had fraudulently included the Pashtun-dominated areas of Afghanistan in Pakistan. While those areas belong to him.

The Pakistani army’s plan to quickly complete the fencing work on Afghanistan’s Durand Line suffered a major setback in December 2021 when the Taliban not only halted the work in Nangarhar province but also confiscated the goods. Was. Pakistan had tried to avoid this incident by calling it a local event.

Taliban warns Pakistan
However, his illusion was shattered by the Taliban in January 2022, when Taliban spokesman Zabihullah Mujahid claimed that Pakistan’s fencing of the Durand Line amounted to dividing a nation and was illegal in the eyes of the Taliban. The acceptance of the Durand Line as a ‘national issue’ by the Taliban means that it will continue to oppose Pakistan on this subject.

There have been nine incidents of firing and artillery shelling from Pakistan in Kunar, Nangarhar, Nuristan, Kandahar and Khost provinces of Afghanistan. Clashes broke out in Kandahar’s Spin Boldak district in February, in which 6 Afghans were killed and about 20 injured. Similarly, in March 2022, there were 4 incidents of firing/artillery firing in Kunar, Helmand and Nuristan provinces.

Pakistani army is in fury
The Boukhalai Pakistani Army has issued a warning to Afghan residents in Khost and Palosi areas of Lalpur district in Nangarhar, Afghanistan. The Pakistan Army said that there would be dire consequences if they did not stop obstructing the fencing work. After Pakistan’s continuous attacks in Afghan areas, the Foreign Ministry of Taliban has expressed its protest by issuing a demarche to Islamabad.

Pakistan hoped that once the Taliban took power in Afghanistan, it would be allowed to do whatever it wanted. Also, the Taliban government will recognize the Durand Line as an international border, but its hope has not been fulfilled. After which Pakistan has now decided to bow down the Taliban and the people of Afghanistan through strict measures.

Restrictions increased on both the border posts
He blocked the Chaman post in early October 2021. Along with this, restrictions have also been started on the movement of people at Torkham Post. Both these outposts are the main places of delivery of goods for trade and movement from Afghanistan to Pakistan. By imposing restrictions on these two posts, Pakistan has taken the step of forcing the Taliban to bow down and build a fence on the Durand Line.