Dangerous fish looking like humans will be seen on earth next year!

Often, we hear people claiming that the Earth is going to be attacked by aliens in a few years. Aliens who look like Hollywood movies will exist among us humans. At present, science experts have been denying this thing outright, but people do not hold back in speculating.
An account on the social media platform Tiktok posted a video, in which it was predicted that there would be a shower of meteors on Earth, which would hit the Earth. Along with this, aliens will also come to earth.
This is not the first time that aliens and time travel have been claimed by sharing the video, even before this person has claimed that he has come from the future world by time traveling to protect humanity.

In July, the person asked to note down five important dates between the years 2021 and the end of 2022. Time Traveler claims that three young people will use a T. Rex dinosaur egg to open a portal to an alternate universe in December.

It also claims that in 2022, the mythical Sunken City of Atlantis will be found in the Atlantic Ocean, home to human-fish life. In a way, dangerous fish looking like humans.
The account also said that NASA would discover a mirrored Earth in August and that eight humans would receive superpowers from the Sun’s immense energy in October. At the moment, users are not trusting the videos of this account, while making fun of the reverse. Users commented on the account of the person who made the prediction and told him to be fake.