Corona’s first patient was a vendor of Wuhan’s seafood market

Washington. Research is still going on around the world regarding the origin of the corona epidemic. Now a new American study has revealed that the first patient of the corona epidemic was found from the Wuhan Seafood Market. The study says that till now the information was that the first patient of Corona was an accountant but this information is wrong. The study says that the first patient of the epidemic was a vendor in Wuhan’s seafood market. The first patient before any disease is also called patient zero. Since the outbreak of the Corona epidemic, many types of research have come to the fore regarding Patient Zero.

In fact, for the first time in the world, the outbreak of the corona epidemic took place in Wuhan itself. This is the reason that in the early days, Kovid-19 was also called Wuhan virus. Later it was scientifically named SARS-CoV-2. Due to the continuous hiding of information about Corona by China, the suspicion of the world increased even more. China’s Wuhan Virology Lab has also been under suspicion.

The study of University of Arizona professor Michael Voroby, published in the journal ‘Journal Science’, states that the case of the accountant, who is said to be the first patient of Corona, came to light on 16 December 2019. Earlier, symptoms of the epidemic were found in a vendor in Wuhan’s seafood market.
Now it is believed that after this new study, the debate about the patient zero of Corona can intensify. At this time, including the European country, China itself is also troubled by the increasing cases of corona. While European countries are engaged in the fight against the epidemic, strict lockdowns have started reimposing in China as well.

Earlier this year, the World Health Organization team conducted a study in China regarding the origin of corona. However, later the experts of this team also said that they were not allowed to study independently by China.