Controversy deepens over Al Jazeera journalist’s death

Israel: Al Jazeera’s Palestinian-American reporter Shireen Abu Akleh was killed in an Israeli operation in May this year. Tension is increasing in Israel and America regarding the investigation into the death of the journalist. Israel has accused America of making a serious mistake. Israeli Defense Minister Benny Gantz said on Monday that the US Justice Department has started an investigation, which is totally wrong. Israel will not cooperate in this US investigation.

In this case, the Israeli army issued a statement that to an extent it is possible that the journalist’s life was lost in the firing of Israeli soldiers, but it is also possible that the journalist’s life was lost in the firing of Palestinian soldiers. Israel said that the IDF had thoroughly investigated the matter from every angle and shared the report with the US.

Giving a strong message to America, Israel said that we always stand with the soldiers of IDF. Israel has made it clear that it will not accept any external investigation against its soldiers. If this happens, it will be considered as external interference in the internal affairs of the country.

Remind that when the journalist of Aljazeera was shot, she was wearing a bullet proof jacket and helmet at that time. Press was also written on the journalist’s jacket. At that time the journalist was talking to the people of Jenin refugee camp. After the incident, Israel had said that one of their jawans had fired by mistake. He thought that he was firing at the terrorist.