
China’s (China’s)2% interest loan trap

New Delhi. Bangladesh, which came into existence in 1971, is getting trapped in Chinese debt. Bangladesh has good relations with India. Prime Minister Narendra Modi himself visited Bangladesh on the completion of 50 years of Bangladesh’s independence. To make itself a big power in the world, China(China’s)  also started promoting the BRI project rapidly and started trapping Bangladesh in its debt trap. China has given it a loan at 2 percent, from which it does not seem easy for Bangladesh to recover.

In the 12th meeting of Foreign Office Consultation of Bangladesh and China in Dhaka on Saturday, there was discussion regarding investment. Bangladesh’s Foreign Secretary Mousud Bin Momen and Vice Minister for Foreign Affairs Sun Widong were present in this meeting. In this meeting, along with the discussion on the projects, there was talk on the ongoing trade exemption given by China. It is clear from what happened in the meeting that China does not want to give up its supremacy over Bangladesh in any way.

Bangladesh trapped in Jinping’s 2 percent debt trap
After Xi Jinping’s visit to Bangladesh in the year 2016, there were 27 different agreements between the two countries. There has been an investment of about $38 billion from China under the Belt Road Initiative (BRI). The condition of debt is that China financed projects like the Bangabadhu Tunnel and the Padma Bridge rail link to be built under the Karnaphuli river in Bangladesh. The total cost of the Bangabudhu Tunnel Project was $1.1 billion, half of which was loaned by the Chinese bank EXIM at 2% interest for 20 years.

Bangladesh has the highest Chinese debt after Pakistan
Along with this, 85 percent of the total cost of the 169 kilometer Padma Bridge rail link, which will connect Dhaka to Josher, has been financed by this bank. At present, the loan has been given at 2 percent interest, but it will not take time to get 20 percent interest. Apart from this, last year itself, China has done the work of controlling Bangladesh economically under 98% duty free quota agreement on many products of Bangladesh. If we look at the figures, Bangladesh is the second largest recipient of Chinese investment in South Asia after Pakistan. Under its debt policy, China wants to take over most of the small or needy countries on the pretext of helping them.

Chinese move to surround India from all sides
China is working on a plan to surround India from all sides. On one hand, Bangladesh connected with Myanmar is counted as an important country for China against India, as Pakistan, Nepal, Bhutan, Myanmar, Sri Lanka have been brought under its influence, in the same way Bangladesh is also trying to join them. engaged in.
Chinese shape given to Bangladesh’s military power
Bangladesh has started giving a new look to its Navy in terms of 3 Dimensional Navy i.e. Navy warships, Naval Aviation and Submarines. Its deadline has been kept for 2030. China is helping the most in this. First, China is emerging as its biggest ally by giving retired warships and submarines from its navy to Bangladesh. Now the work of Sheikh Hasina Submarine Base at Cox’s Bazar built by China has been completed and handed over to Bangladesh Navy. 6 submarines and 8 warships can be parked simultaneously at this submarine base.

Bangladesh is ignoring the Chinese conspiracy
Under its debt policy, China wants to capture every small or needy country on the pretext of helping it. Now the question is that China which opposed the independence of Bangladesh in 1971. In 1972, being a permanent member of the UNSC, China itself vetoed Bangladesh’s membership in the UN. Not only this, before establishing bilateral relations with Bangladesh in 1975, China had assured its all-weather friend Pakistan, but even after this, Bangladesh is getting trapped in China’s bluff.