China deployed 60,000 soldiers near Ladakh

New Delhi. In the midst of a more than 20-month-long military standoff in eastern Ladakh, China has deployed nearly 60,000 troops along the Indian territory in Ladakh and its infrastructure to help facilitate rapid movement of its troops along the Line of Actual Control. The construction has continued.

By the way, the number of Chinese soldiers had increased significantly in the summer season because they brought a large number of soldiers to the border for summer training. They have now gone back to their previous places. However, they still maintain around 60,000 troops in the opposite areas of Ladakh.

Threats from the Chinese side remain likely as they continue to build infrastructure across the LAC. He said that new roads are being constructed in front of Daulat Beg Oldi area and near Pangong Lake area. Sources said that the Indian side has also taken very strong steps to ensure that there is no possible misadventure from the Chinese side.

To counter any provocative action by China, the Indian Army has deployed the Anti-Terrorism Squad of Rashtriya Rifles in the Ladakh Theater of the Eastern Front. Along with this, infrastructure construction is also going on from India side. Sources said that the Indian Army is keeping all mountain passes open to deposit troops in case of any tension point.

Sources said that the Indian side is in a position to keep an eye on only one or two places with Chinese troops as at most places the two armies are separated by buffer zones. Both sides are also deploying a large number of surveillance drones in the buffer zone to monitor the movement of each other’s troops. Sources said the winter deployment is troubling the Chinese as they are rapidly swapping troops on the front lines.

During the first deployment of Chinese troops to extreme winters in high altitude locations, they exchanged their troops almost daily. This was because he was suffering from cold-related injuries after the Chinese aggression that began in April-May last year. The Defense Ministry, in its last review of the year, said that unilateral and provocative actions by the Chinese to change the status quo through their military, in more than one area along the LAC, have responded as a sufficient measure.

To resolve this issue, the armies of both the countries are engaged in talks at various levels. After sustained joint efforts, the forces have been withdrawn from several locations, but the number of troops on both sides has remained the same or has been substantially increased in the areas over which the dispute continues. Is. The forces are being continuously mobilized as a result of threat assessment and internal consultations to ensure territorial integrity and to supplement the PLA forces and military infrastructure, taking into account the troop expansion.

India has laid a network of bridges, roads, railway lines and tunnels
The troops continue to deal with Chinese troops in a firm and peaceful manner, while ensuring the integrity of India’s claims. Infrastructure up-gradation and development along the northern borders is being done in a holistic and comprehensive manner, including roads, all-weather tunnels, four strategic railway lines, additional bridges on the Brahmaputra, the critical Indo-China border roads. Upgrading bridges and storing fuel and ammunition. Great efforts have also been made to identify dual-use infrastructure.