Ujjain: Ujjain Police Administration made a public announcement in Takiya Masjid area near Mahakal Lok late on Friday night. There is Nizamuddin Colony here in which about 257 houses are built. There is a mosque in between these houses which is called Takiya Masjid. All 257 houses ( houses ) are to be removed under Mahakal temple expansion work. The action to remove these houses will start from Saturday.
Government will give compensation to the residents
Before removing the houses, all types of government and judicial action have been done. Under which notices were also given. Its time limit has expired. The High Court has also rejected the petition of the residents. The residents here will be given a total compensation of Rs 66 crore. Out of this, compensation of Rs 32 crore has already been given.
Action will be taken by the administration on Saturday
On Friday night, the police administration reached the spot and made an announcement. A large number of police force was present here. Additional SP Nitesh Bhargava and SDM Laxmi Narayan Garg appealed to the people to vacate the houses and maintain peace. On the other hand, the residents voluntarily started demolishing their houses. More than 50 houses have been vacated here, the work of demolishing which has also been started by the people themselves.
Work is to be done under Mahakal expansion plan
In the case, SDM Laxmi Narayan Garg said that work is to be done here under the Mahakal expansion plan. People are also being given compensation. The appeal of the residents has also been rejected by the High Court. People have also started removing their belongings voluntarily. This entire area is about two and a quarter hectares which has to be vacated. In the same case, Additional SP Nitesh Bhargava said that all the people have been appealed to follow the instructions and maintain peace.
Bulldozers can be used on houses
According to the information, many bulldozers reached Nizamuddin Colony at night. Most of the people here have vacated their houses while some people have still not vacated their houses. The administration told the people to remove the belongings kept in their houses.