Britain threatens France

London. Britain has threatened France that it will take retaliatory action if it follows the threat of stopping British boats at its ports. Britain summoned the French ambassador after French officials fined two British fishing boats and left one in port overnight on Thursday

Indeed, relations between London and Paris have deteriorated after Britain left the European Union. France has threatened to stop Britain’s boats and intensify investigations of its ships if French boats are not allowed more fishing in British waters.

Environment Minister George Eustice said, ‘We will see what they do, but if they do, then both will behave equally and we have the ability to respond in the same way.’ The UK government said that the French ambassador. Katherine Colonna will be summoned to the Foreign Office on Friday.

France said it could block Britain’s boats from landing at its ports if the dispute over the license is not resolved by Tuesday. At the same time, the UK government warned that it could launch a “rigorous” investigation into the EU’s fishing activities in response. The prime minister’s spokesman said Boris Johnson would hold a “brush by” meeting with French President Emmanuel Macron at the G20 summit in Rome later this week. He said France remains a “close and strong ally” of Britain.

A British trawler was confiscated by France and another fined Thursday during the Le Havre investigation. French officials say the detained British ship did not have a license – a claim by Macduff Shellfish, a Scottish boat owner, refuted. But the European Union said that the UK authorities withdrew the license on March 1.