Agni-5 ballistic missile with a range of 5 thousand km at a speed of 24 times the speed of sound

New Delhi. India successfully test-fired Agni-5 ballistic missile with a range of 5000 km surface-to-surface on Wednesday evening. The government said that this missile is capable of three-stage solid fuel engine. Which will make a perfect attack on its target from a distance of 5000 km. However, the government made it clear that it sticks to the policy of not using the missile first. With the arrival of Agni-5, the strength of India’s defense will increase even more. What makes this ballistic missile special is its range. Now its JD has almost all the cities including Beijing, the capital of China. Apart from this, it can kill many countries of Asia and up to Europe.

It is believed that Agni-5 has been specially designed for the challenges being faced by China. Earlier India’s Agni-3 missile had a range of 3000–3500. But it was difficult to reach the Eastern and North Eastern regions of China. Most of China’s economic centers are located on the Eastern Seaboard. The biggest headache for China is from India’s side. This is the reason why China has also expressed its displeasure over this testing.

It is said that if you make a mark of 5000 km from any place on the map of India and fire it, then Agni-5 can kill accurately. Talking about the speed, it moves towards its target at a speed of 24 times faster than the speed of sound. That is, it covers a distance of 8.16 kilometers in one second. The missile weighs about 50 tonnes. Its length is about 17 meters, while the thickness is about 2 meters. It is capable of carrying a war-head of around 1500 kg. India has already operationally deployed Agni-1, 2, 3 missiles.

Indian scientists told that till now more than 7 different trials have been done for it. Former DRDO scientist believes that Agni 5 is a quantum jump in missile technology. The entire technology, propulsion system, rocket, advanced navigation of this missile is 100% indigenous.