Action has been initiated against the culprits: Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina

Dhaka. Bangladesh Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina on Tuesday directed the Home Minister to initiate immediate action against those who used religion to incite violence recently. Hasina asked people not to believe anything on social media without checking the facts. The Ministry of External Affairs said in a statement that domestic elements opposing Bangladesh’s independence from Pakistan 50 years ago are still spewing venom to incite violence, spreading hate speech and hypocrisy.

Attacks on Hindu temples in Bangladesh have increased since last Wednesday. In fact, earlier a post allegedly blasphemous was seen on social media during Durga Puja celebrations. A mob damaged 66 houses and set at least 20 houses on fire in Bangladesh late on Sunday night.

The Dhaka Tribune newspaper quoted cabinet secretary Khandkar Anwarul Islam as saying that Prime Minister Hasina, during the weekly cabinet meeting on Tuesday, directed Home Minister Asaduzzaman Khan to immediately initiate action against those who instigated violence using religion. Was.

The Prime Minister, who attended the meeting through video conference from his official residence, asked the people of the country not to believe anything on social media without checking the facts. He directed the Home Ministry to remain vigilant and take steps to prevent recurrence of such incidents. According to local media reports, six people from the Hindu community have been killed in separate attacks, but this figure could not be independently confirmed.

The Home Minister said, “The Comilla incident is being investigated.” He said that the Ministry of Home Affairs is working to bring the accused to justice. Hasina has announced to provide all possible help to the families of the victims. The statement from the Ministry of External Affairs underlined that the Bangladesh government condemns these incidents and takes serious note of the reaction from within and outside the Hindu community. The ministry said that the government had deployed paramilitary forces, taking prompt steps to assist the police and administration for the protection of Hindu religious places and statues.

Police had arrested 450 suspects in different parts of the country and search is on to nab more suspects. “A total of 71 cases have been registered and 450 people have been arrested so far,” a police spokesman said. The Foreign Office claimed in a statement that Bangladesh is perhaps the only country where large religious festivals of all religions are celebrated on public holidays.

Meanwhile, the ruling Awami League party is holding cordial rallies and taking out peaceful processions across the country on Tuesday against the recent communal violence. Awami League general secretary Obaidul Qadir said at a rally here, “Fear not, Hindu brothers and sisters. Sheikh Hasina and Awami League are with you.”