20 thousand metric tonnes of wheat through Chabaha

New Delhi. India announced to send 20,000 metric tonnes of wheat through Chabahar port to the troubled Afghanistan. This was announced at the first meeting of the India-Central Asia Joint Working Group on Afghanistan on Tuesday in Delhi. In this meeting, apart from the host India, 5 countries of Central Asia, special diplomats and senior officials of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan participated.

In a statement issued after the meeting, it was said that India has announced to supply 20 thousand tonnes of wheat to Afghanistan in cooperation with UNWFP through Chabahar port. In fact, India has been advocating providing uninterrupted humanitarian assistance to Afghanistan to overcome the humanitarian crisis. Earlier in August 2021, months after the Taliban took power in Kabul, India had announced to provide 50,000 metric tonnes of wheat to help the Afghan people suffering from food crisis.

All the countries involved in the meeting said in a joint statement on Tuesday that the soil of Afghanistan should not be used for any kind of terrorist activities. Apart from this, he insisted on the formation of a ‘truly inclusive’ political structure in Kabul, which respects the rights of all Afghans, including women.

The joint statement said the meeting stressed the importance of building a “truly inclusive and representative political structure” that respects the rights of all Afghans and guarantees women, girls and members of minority groups, including access to education. Ensure equal rights.

In December last year, India was among several major countries to criticize the Taliban’s decision to ban women from attending university in Afghanistan. The statement also said that during the consultations, the officials discussed regional threats of terrorism, extremism, extremism and drug trafficking and the possibilities of coordinated efforts to combat these threats.


“It was emphasized that the soil of Afghanistan should not be used for providing shelter, training, planning or financing any terrorist activity,” the statement said. It said it reaffirmed that no terrorist organization, including terrorist organizations designated by United Nations Security Council (UNSC) resolution 1267, should be sheltered or allowed to use Afghan soil Needed.’