Pakistan really wants peace with India?

Islamabad. Pakistan’s Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif recently said that Pakistan has learned a “lesson” and wants to live in peace with India. He emphasized that both the neighbors should not waste their resources on bombs and ammunition. But suddenly questions are being raised about such a change in Pakistan’s attitude towards India. Does Pakistan really want peace or is it talking about peace due to some pressure? Professor Muktdar Khan, director of the Islamic Studies Program at the University of Delaware, USA, believes that Pakistan has started peace talks under pressure from the United Arab Emirates.

Shahbaz Sharif had said that talks will be held with India only after the re-implementation of Article 370 in Jammu and Kashmir. Regarding this matter, Muktdar Khan said that the issue of minorities in India is clearly between the minority and the majority there. This should not make any sense to Pakistan. Especially if we talk about hatred against some section of Muslims in India, then Pakistan is also responsible for that.

Why the tone of peace was raised in UAE?
Professor Muktdar believes that Shahbaz Sharif in UAE demanded financial help for his country from the world on TV. Muktdar says that the economic condition of Pakistan is very bad. UAE is giving cheap oil, loan to Pakistan. In such a situation, Sharif’s visit to UAE is also his presence. This was the reason why Sharif went there and talked about establishing peace with India. Muktdar also tells a big reason for this that the Pakistani army will not allow him to do so in his country.

India’s relations with Gulf countries have improved in the last few years. In such a situation, Sharif also wants to maintain talks with these countries for help.