China is building a giant dam near Arunachal

China is keen on tensions with India. Meanwhile, China is showing its evil intentions by building a dam on India’s border. He has started intensifying preparations for a ‘water war’ with India. Due to this, after the border of Arunachal Pradesh, China has now accelerated the work of a huge dam on the trijunction of Nepal-India and China. According to media reports, recent satellite images have revealed that China is building a massive dam on the Mabja Zhangbo River in 2021, which is just a few km away from the trijunction. In this regard, experts say that the Chinese dam being built near Uttarakhand in the future, Dragon can establish complete control over the water in this area.
Based on the latest satellite images, it has been revealed that this Chinese dam is located very close to the Kalapani area of Uttarakhand. China is building this dam in its Burang County. Not only this, China is also building an airport near this dam, which can prove to be very effective for the Chinese Air Force. The pictures show that the construction of the dam is going on continuously.

The area of Kalapani is strategically important
An expert on satellite images said that China can increase tension in the future with this project. The area in which China is building its dam, the entire area of Kalapani is strategically very important. This trijunction of India-Nepal and China can play a very important role in any future war. Not only this, there is a border dispute between India and Nepal over Kalapani, Lipulekh and Limpiyadhura.

The Xi Jinping government is building this dam on the Yarlung Sangpo River, a tributary of the Brahmaputra. This Chinese dam is being built on Medog border which is very close to Arunachal. India is very concerned about this giant dam and has accelerated its construction of dams in the North East.

According to sources, China can change the water flow of Brahmaputra river through this dam. Brahmaputra River is the lifeline not only for the North East but also for Bangladesh. This will either lead to water shortage in Arunachal and Assam or so much water will come that many areas may be submerged in floods.