This war caused Russia to become a failed nation.

Moscow. The ongoing war between Russia and Ukraine is about to complete one year. So far both the countries have suffered a lot in this war. Ukraine has faced more problems in this. But experts believe that the effect of this war will remain on Russia for a long time and it will not be able to bear its brunt. In a survey of Global Strategist and Analyst, it has been claimed that Russia will cease to exist in the coming decade. The main reason for this is the Ukraine war. According to the survey, due to this war, Russia is moving towards becoming a real nation.
The Scotcroft Center for Strategy and Security of the Atlantic Council has included the opinion of 167 global strategists and practitioners. According to which there is a possibility of collapse of Russia at the end of the next decade.

Private sector, academia, NGOs as well as independent consultants were involved in this survey. Russia’s war with Ukraine could accelerate the resulting turmoil of a great power with the largest nuclear-weapons arsenal on the planet, a US think tank said in a survey.

According to the survey, the future of Russia may be like this
46% of those surveyed feared that Russia would break up or become a failed state by 2033, while nearly 40% of respondents expected Russia to “disintegrate internally for reasons including internal revolution, civil war, or political disintegration”. Will go. ,
Only 14% of survey respondents have even considered the risk of nuclear war. He believes that Russia can use nuclear weapons within the next ten years.

The think tank said, “Of those who anticipate both Russia’s failure and its breakup in the coming decade, 22 per cent believe the use of nuclear weapons will be the cause.”