Many villages buried under the ash of the volcano,

Mount Semeru, the highest volcano in Indonesia, suddenly erupted. Lava, hot ash and gas started coming out from the top of the mountain about 12 thousand feet high. Due to high pressure, lava and hot ash reached the fields of the village located in the valley of the volcano. Rivers of lava flowed after the volcano erupted.

Please tell that Mount Semeru volcano was slowly smoldering for many days. But due to rain, its lava dome broke and then hot ash and lava came flowing fast for many kilometers away. The video of the eruption of the volcano is becoming increasingly viral on social media.
At the same time, after this incident, Abdul Muhari, spokesperson of Indonesia’s National Disaster Management Agency, said that many villages around the volcano have been hidden in a pile of ashes. Also, he told that the sky has turned black due to smoke and ash. People have to keep the lights on even during the day. People have been shifted to safer places. Relief and rescue work is still going on
Mount Semeru is in Java, located 800 km southeast of the capital Jakarta. There are many volcanoes in Java, which are active. But Mount Semeru is the most dangerous and the highest volcano.
Only Indonesia has 121 active volcanoes. Please tell that in the year 2021 there was an explosion in Mount Semeru. Then 51 people died due to its lava, hot gas and ash.
According to information, the rivers of ash, hot gas and lava that came out of the eruption of this volcano came down to 8 kilometers below the mountain. At the same time, people living nearby have been kept in a school located 20 kilometers away.