Donald Trump returns to Twitter after 22 months

Washington: Former US President Donald Trump has returned to Twitter after 22 months. The company has reactivated his account. In fact, Elon Musk had conducted a Twitter poll for this, in which 15 million voters supported reactivating Trump’s account, on the basis of which the new owner of the company took this decision. He tweeted, ‘The majority of the people want Trump’s account to be restored.’ Let us tell you that in January 2021, a crowd of Donald Trump’s supporters attacked the US Capitol when the results of the US presidential election were not in favor. was. The former US President had described his supporters who committed violence as revolutionaries in a tweet.

After this, Donald Trump said in a tweet that he would not go to the Presidential Inauguration (Biden’s swearing-in) to be held on January 20, 2021. Twitter considered Donald Trump guilty of inciting mobs using this social media platform and banned his account. Earlier this ban was only for 12 hours, later Twitter extended it indefinitely. Joe Biden became the new President of America after defeating Donald Trump in the election. Twitter’s new boss Elon Musk asked people in his Twitter poll whether former US President Donald Trump’s account should be restored. Many users got angry on Musk regarding this poll, but more votes were cast in favor of Trump’s return.

Musk reacted when Trump’s Twitter account was banned
In the past, during the Twitter deal, Elon Musk insisted on activating other such accounts along with Donald Trump, which were banned for various reasons. Musk has always been describing himself as a big supporter of free speech. Even when Twitter banned former US President Donald Trump, Elon Musk had said that he wanted to improve the platform. Some time ago Donald Trump said that he is not returning to Twitter. In an interview to Fox News, he had said, ‘I will stick to my social media platform Truth. During this, while praising Musk, the former US President said that he is a good man and he hopes that he will make necessary improvements in Twitter.