Will America’s dominance end?

Predictions of Baba Venga: The great prophet Baba Venga has predicted for the next several decades and even centuries. Many predictions of Baba Venga made for the country and the world have come true so far. This includes predictions like the death of Princess Diana, the 9/11 terrorist attack on America, the becoming President of Barack Obama, the havoc of Thailand’s tsunami, the havoc of the corona virus. Baba Venga has made important predictions for the year 2023 and also for the coming few years, which if proved true, the whole world can turn upside down.

Born in Bulgaria, Baba Vaenga had made an important prediction about Russia in the last days of his life, which seems to be proving to be true. This prediction is related to the attack by Russia and the prediction of the third world war. Baba Venga had said that there will be a third world war in the year 2023. He was even told about the use of biological weapons, which if true, can cause havoc in the world.

Not only this, Baba Vaenga had also predicted about the rule of Russia and Putin. Baba Vaenga had told his followers that, ‘A time will come when America’s dominance over the world will end and the whole world will see the rule of Russia and Putin.’ Baba Vaenga had also said that a thick layer of ice would melt and many cities would be submerged in water but in that time also one thing would remain untouched and that is the glory of Vladimir Putin. That is, Russia and Putin will dominate the world.

who is baba venga

Born in 1911, Baba Venga lost his eyes in his childhood. They were hit by a storm. After this he made many predictions and they also proved to be true from time to time. Baba Venga has also predicted the end of the earth. Although Baba Venga has no relation with Vedic astrology, but even before the start of the new year, once again Baba Venga’s predictions have come into the limelight.