Today’s Horoscope 6 October 2022


A special compliment from a friend will become a source of happiness. It is because you have made your life like a tree, which itself gives shade to passersby by standing and bearing the scorching sun. You will make good money today – but the increase in expenses will make saving more difficult for you.

Meditation and yoga will be useful for physical and mental benefits. You may spend a little more on others. Your warm behavior will make the atmosphere of the house pleasant. Few people can escape the charm of a person who has such a sweet smile. When you are with people, your fragrance will spread like a flower.

The health of the mate needs proper attention and care. Your unrealistic plans may drain your wealth. The burden of family responsibilities will increase, which can give you stress. The feeling of love is beyond experience, but today you will be able to catch some glimpse of this intoxication of love.

The elderly have a special need to take care of their health. A good day for real estate and financial transactions. Your life partner’s health may cause stress and anxiety. Keep your passion under control, otherwise it can put your love relationship in trouble.

Some family members may become a cause of annoyance to you due to their jealous nature. But there is no need to lose your temper, otherwise the situation may become uncontrollable. Remember, it is better to accept what cannot be corrected. There is a need to be careful while speaking and doing financial transactions.

You need to keep your weight under control through regular exercise. Avoid fried things. Today, if you invest following the advice of others, then financial loss is almost certain. Your life partner will help you and will prove to be helpful. Your loved one’s mood may be upsetting today.

Today your small mistake can cause trouble, so do not take any carelessness. Increase knowledge while keeping away from unintentional time-wasting entertainment. If official work is more, then try to complete them on time. Keep in mind that there should not be any negligence in any work assigned by the boss. Businessmen associated with essential services have to remain active.

Keep yourself focused today. This will give you continuous energy to work. Giving weight to any less important thing can become a mountain of mustard seeds, so be very restrained. Colleagues will get full support at the workplace. Businessmen should keep government documents strong, otherwise they may fall in the grip of government action. Youth will get new challenges in the field. Prepare yourself mentally.

If possible on this day, relax by closing the important works. This formula will be very effective to keep the mind fully active. Too much thinking is not good to be aware of the epidemic. Understand the core of your speech and treat co-workers well. There is a lot of profit for the business of electronic goods. Young people have to keep securing their data.

Today you will need everyone’s cooperation. If you are associated with government or governance, then the day will be auspicious. Maintain humility in speech, otherwise the work done may get spoiled. If you keep the planning of work strong, then success will be assured. Those doing business of import and export need to be patient for the time being. Think seriously before making any big investment.

Today is going in the direction of happiness, profit and progress. Newness in work will lead to the door of success. Try diligently for promotion to the employed people. Do not get discouraged by the stalled work, to make it successful again, you will need to do better planning. for businessmen

To reach your goal today, there is a need for strategy, one has to be focused on profit without harm. If there is confusion in the mind, it would be preferable to read religious books for relief. Creative work of your choice will also benefit. Career related problems will give relief soon. If you have less experience in business, then take the advice of seniors before taking any important decision.
P Subhash Pandey