Snowden leaked intelligence related to American security agencies

Moscow: President Vladimir Putin has granted Russian citizenship to Edward Snowden, who leaked US intelligence. Snowden was among 75 foreign nationals granted Russian citizenship, according to an order signed by the president. This order was shared on a government website.

Snowden, 39, leaked intelligence related to American security agencies in 2013, after which there was an uproar. Snowden was working with the US National Security Agency at the time. After this leak, Snowden fled to Russia, where he has since found refuge.

US intelligence officials had wanted to bring Snowden to America for years so that he could be prosecuted for spying against the country. According to US officials, if Snowden returned to America, according to US law, he could be sentenced to 30 years in prison.

Snowden was granted permanent residency in the year 2020. Snowden said at the time that he planned to apply for Russian citizenship without giving up his US citizenship.