China’s tension will increase!

America has made a big claim amid the ongoing tension in Washington-China and Taiwan. President Joe Biden says US forces will defend Taiwan. The special thing is that it is being considered as the most vocal claim by the US so far amidst the ongoing concerns about both the countries at the international level. Tensions have continued between China and Taiwan since the visit of US House of Representatives Speaker Nancy Pelosi.

In a CBS interview released on Sunday, Biden was asked if US forces would defend the island being claimed by China. On this the US President gave ‘yes’. The president was then asked to clarify his answer as to whether US forces, unlike Ukraine, would defend Taiwan if China did invade, and reiterated ‘yes’.

Here, the White House spokesperson has also made it clear that there has been no change in America’s policy for Taiwan. “The President has said this before, including in Tokyo this year,” he said. He has also made it clear that our Taiwan policy has not changed. This is true.’

Even in May, when Biden was questioned whether he wanted to intervene militarily to defend Taiwan. Even then he had said, ‘Yes… that is what we have promised.’ During the interview, he reiterated that the US does not support Taiwan’s independence and is committed to the ‘One China’ policy, under which Washington officially recognizes Beijing and not Taipei.