Uighur Muslims atrocitiesUN reports these big allegations against China

Geneva: The much-awaited report of the United Nations Human Rights Office has been released regarding the continuing atrocities on Uighur Muslims in Xinjiang province of China. Which states that the discriminatory detention of Uighurs and other Muslim ethnic groups by China may be a crime against humanity. The report calls on the international community to immediately intervene on allegations of torture and other rights violations in Beijing’s campaign to root out terrorism.

UN human rights chief Michelle Bachelet rejected China’s appeal to withdraw the report. Bachelet visited Xinjiang in May and prepared this report. Beijing claims that this report is part of a campaign by Western countries to tarnish China’s reputation. UN officials said that this report was ready for several months. Released minutes before Bachelet’s four-year term ends. In which the atrocities about human rights in Shijiang province over the years have been depicted with documents.

‘Beijing strongly opposes this report’

This report has been prepared on the basis of factual conversations with Uighur Muslims and their families who have escaped from Xinjiang province of China. At the same time, before the release of this report, China’s ambassador to the United Nations Zhang Jun said that Beijing is “strongly opposing” this report. He told the media, “We have not seen this report yet, but we completely oppose such report, we do not think it will benefit anyone.”

Let us tell you that even before this, human rights activists have raised their voice against the atrocities on Uighur Muslims. Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch have also prepared several reports by talking to the victim Uighur Muslims.