US Navy Chief Mike Guild said

New Delhi: US Chief of Naval Operations Adam Mike Gilday said a big thing about India China on Saturday. He said that India will have a very important role in the future in countering China. In this sense, India will be an important partner of America in future. According to the report of Nikkei Asia, Adam Gilday said this during a seminar in Washington.

Adam Guild said that India gives problems to China from two sides. India not only forces China to look towards the South China Sea and Taiwan, while it also has to pay attention to its upper part. He said that I have spent more time in India than any other country and one of the biggest reasons behind this is that America has started seeing India as an important partner.

There is a double problem for China
Referring to the five-day visit in October last year, the Guild said that the Indian Ocean battle zone is rapidly becoming important for us. Behind this is the fact that there is a slight skirmish between India and China over their mutual border…and this is very strategically important. He said the conflict between India and China in the Himalayan region poses a dual problem for Beijing and is gaining momentum among American strategists.

India will not fight directly on Taiwan issue
In June, when the US, Japan, India and Australia quad leaders were meeting in Japan, former Pentagon official Elbridge Colby told Nikkei Asia that India would not contribute directly to the fight over Taiwan but could That he should draw the attention of China to the border of the Himalayas.