Another prophecy of Baba Venga coming true? Big thing was said about Russia

Russia and Ukraine War: An old prophecy of Baba Vaenga is being repeatedly mentioned in the midst of the ongoing war between Russia and Ukraine. Actually Russia has attacked Ukraine and today is the third day of the war. In this whole matter, Russian President Vladimir Putin has emerged as a domineering leader. In such a situation, the prediction of Baba Vaenga, who is known all over the world for his big prediction, is missing, in which he made a big talk about Putin and Russia.

Actually Baba Venga had said that a time will come when Russia will rule the whole world. He further said that America and Europe will be nothing ahead of Russia. Baba Vaenga said, “Russia will emerge as the biggest power, everything will melt like ice. Only one thing no one will be able to touch – Vladimir Putin and the pride of Russia. No one will be able to stop Russia.” Baba Venga had said that Europe would then turn into a barren land.

Let us tell you that Baba Venga is known all over the world for prophecy. He has given more than 5 thousand predictions, in which many have also proved to be true. Born in Bulgaria in the year 1911, Baba Venga’s real Vengelia is Pandev Gushterova. A big accident happened with Baba Venga at the age of 12. Actually, due to a dangerous storm, he had lost his eyesight. Baba Venga may have lost his eyes, but his vision was with him and today, even though he is not living in this world, people keep remembering him from time to time. He died at the age of 85 i.e. in the year 1996.