Russia's army continues to attack Ukraine
Russia's army continues to attack Ukraine

Russia’s army continues to attack Ukraine

Kyiv: Russia’s army continues to attack Ukraine. Five people were killed, while more than 12 people were injured in an attack by the Russian army on the country’s eastern city of Avdivka. Ukraine’s Ombudsman, Lyudmila Denisova, said in a statement late Monday that the town of Avdivka, located in the Donetsk region, was attacked by artillery firing and planes. This attack of the Russian army caused great damage to the city. In which 5 civilians were killed and more than 12 were injured.

Avdivka is adjacent to the capital of pro-Moscow separatists, who in 2014 declared two self-declared republics. Ukraine has accused Russia of indiscriminately targeting medical facilities, residential areas and bomb shelters. Russia, on the other hand, denies intentional targeting of civilians and accused the Ukrainian military of using civilians as human shields.

In a post on Telegram, Denisova said a Russian tank had hit a civilian’s car in Kharkiv, killing three people and a child.

Russia’s military action against Ukraine continues even during the talks between the two countries. Last week, the Kremlin dismissed reports of progress in talks. There was speculation that Ukraine would accede to demands to dismantle its military and NATO ambitions to end the war.

Russia’s attack on Ukraine began on 24 February. Meanwhile, the threat has been deepened by the fear of Western countries, including the US, that Moscow may plan to launch a chemical or biological attack.