Scientists came to know about this in brain mapping

What does a person think a few minutes before death? Scientists gave this answer
What does the human brain think just before death?

There are many such thoughts in the human mind, for which he does not have the answer. However, when scientists try to find answers to such questions, then some things definitely come out. Have you ever wondered what goes on in the human mind a few minutes before death or what things he thinks about? If not, then let us tell you what a person thinks before death.
According to scientists, the dying brain remembers the good moments of its life at the last moment. According to the report of The Sun, an 87-year-old man used to have epileptic seizures. In this sequence, he was admitted to a hospital. Here the help of electroencephalogram (EEG) was taken for his treatment. During this, the person died due to heart attack. However, due to this diagnostic test inadvertently the brain mapping of the person was done, due to which his thoughts 15 minutes before death were recorded.

Scientists came to know about this in brain mapping
It was found in the recording done at the time of brain mapping that in the last phase, the person was remembering some good moments related to his life. This recording took place on Easy. During the 30 seconds after the death of the person, the heart beat started increasing very fast and only then the scientists captured a unique wave. The name of the wave is Gamma Oscillations. The research was done by neurosurgeon Dr Ajmal Gemer from Le Louisville Gemer University. Research has found that at the last moment our brain reaches the state of dreaming. Although there is no life in the body, but the mind works till the last stage.

This doctor from India told this thing related to brain
In this case, Neurologist Dr. Bhupesh Kumar of Neuro and Pain Care Clinic Gurgaon said, Gamma wave became most active during the death of the patient. Along with this, the beta wave was also active due to which the patient started having anxiety. After this Alpha, Theta also became active.