The world’s mysterious Phunduji lake

Cape Town: This earth holds many mysteries. There are many such things to know about the mountains, rivers, lakes etc., about which humans have not been able to know anything. However, it is not that humans did not try to know about these mysteries, but they always got disappointed. Today we are going to tell about one such mysterious lake.

water is absolutely clear
There are thousands of lakes in the world, but some of them are such, about whose secret man has not been able to know till date. This mysterious lake is in the Limpopo state of South Africa. People know it as Phunduji Lake. This lake is very beautiful to see and its water is also very clear, but those who drink its water once, it is said that its After that, death again takes him in its lap.

lake formation due to landslide
It is said that this lake was formed in ancient times due to landslides, which stopped the flow of Mutali river. At the same time, till now it remains a mystery that what is it that drinking its water leads to death.

There are many stories about the lake.
There is also a local story about the lake. According to this, in ancient times a leper had come to this place after a long journey. When he asked for food and a place to stay from the local people, it was not given to him. After this the leper cursed the people and disappeared in the lake.

Every year local people organize dance festival
It is said that the cries of drowned people and the sound of drums keep coming from inside the lake. Local people also say that this lake is protected by a giant python on the mountains. This python does not harm the local people, so every year people organize dance festival to please it. In this, unmarried girls dance.

In the 40s, a man tried to know the secret
It is said that in 1946, a person named Andy Levin tried to unravel the mystery of the lake. He came here to find out the truth of water. He took some water from the lake and took some mop from the surrounding and left. After walking for some time, he lost his way. They did not find a way until they threw water and plants. However, he died a few days after the incident.
failure every time
Even after this, many people tried to know the secret of this lake, but failed every time. Till date no one has been able to find out why, after drinking this water, people die. Some people believe that some poisonous gas may have been found in the lake. However, no proof of this has been found so far.