Horoscope for January 27, 2022:

Will work irregularly in the office. The day will be spent in tension. You may have a dispute with the officers. Will be unable to complete any work. You may suffer from stomach disease. Don’t trust strangers immediately. Negativity will dominate in the mind. Spend time with parents. Respect the gurus.

The ongoing dispute regarding paternal matters will be resolved. Financial situation will improve. You may face some technical problems in the workplace. You can start a new business related work. You will overcome adversity with tact. Problems regarding the health of the spouse will increase. Today the expenses may be high. There may be promotion in the job.

There will be an increase in your respect in the office. There will be more laziness in you. Can refuse to do social work. You can complete your work with a friend. Today the feeling of satisfaction will be visible on the face. Your coworkers may criticize you. Inclination towards mystical science will arise. Drive the car carefully.
You can face any difficult situation. You may be worried about children today. Today is not an auspicious day for lovers. You have to be careful towards health. You will get investment proposals in the share market. You have to be careful from unknown people. You can discuss a new project during a meeting with a friend.

The illness of a family member will cost more. Disputes related to property may arise. The sources of income will be limited. Today your day will be spent in confusion. Will complete a task with a full heart. Some people will look at you with suspicion. You may come to know about some secret.
There will be alert regarding the security of money. Will pay attention to savings. Your income is likely to increase. You will be satisfied with the completion of the old pending work. Students can pay more attention to studies. There is a possibility of getting a job. Your self confidence will increase. Be aware of your technical knowledge.

People associated with the construction industry will have to face trouble. You may struggle with lack of cash. There will be sweetness in your speech. You have to fight today. Some of your work is likely to stop in the middle of the day. You may be worried about the health of a family member. You will win over your opponents.

Health related problems will be overcome. You will be very happy and excited by getting good news from relatives. You can have a big partnership in business. Your relationship with the respected person will be strong. You will benefit at workplace. Relationships with new people will be made in the job.
Do not doubt the people of your family by coming in some things. The day will be very happy for you. Don’t make quick decisions about any important work. Your respect will be lacking today. Due to problems in some work, you can get angry. Opponents can make a fuss. Try to postpone travel plans.
You will get peace of mind by getting back the previously stopped amount. Your working style will improve. Have faith in your ability. Many will be proud to work with you. Today is not a good day for the people associated with the media. There can be a lot of income in business. New work will give you profit.

Control your wrong thoughts. The people of the house may ignore you. Don’t talk too much about unnecessary things. Students will feel interested in studies. Not being able to complete a task can make you sad. You will get a chance to participate in religious events. Due to excessive running, health can be affected.
You may be disappointed by getting the opposite results. Your responsibility in the office will not be fulfilled. You will have to try your best to complete your target. You will enjoy the satsang. Interest in worshiping the Lord will be awakened. Do not argue too much with your superiors. There is a possibility of creating tension over some matter.
Pt. Subhash Pandey