China’s mistreatment of its citizens

Beijing. As the cases of corona virus increase, once again the misbehavior of China towards its citizens is coming to the fore. China, working on the zero covid policy, is imposing such rules to prevent infection, which is being criticized everywhere. There has been a significant increase in cases due to Omicron variants in all the provinces of China. Due to this, people in Tianjin, Anyang, Shenzhen, Xian and Henan have been instructed to stay in their homes. Along with this, China is strictly testing and imposing strict lockdown to overcome Kovid. Along with this, it is keeping an eye on people through the mobile app.

There have also been reports that China is forcibly quarantining its citizens infected with its Kovid in metal boxes. Not only this, even the things related to basic necessities are not present in these very small in size. Elderly, children and pregnant women are being locked in these coaches. Many such reports have come to the fore on Chinese social media where elderly, children and pregnant women are raising their voices about the lack of space in these coaches and dirty bathrooms etc. Common people will have to stay in these coaches for about 2 weeks. The arrangement of food for these people in these coaches is also very bad. An eyewitness told that 1000 people have been brought from 30 buses in these coaches.

Not only this, the common people have to bear the brunt of the increasing craze of China to stop Kovid-19. In a hospital in Xian, China, a pregnant woman was refused admission without a Kovid test, due to which the woman miscarried. In Jian itself, about 2 crore people are not being allowed to come out even to buy food. A man who came out to get food from home was beaten up by Chinese security officials.