Suddenly a ‘corpse’ was seen standing

Oregon America: Google Map is a very useful thing. Here you can see many such things sitting far away which are not easily visible. Many times people have claimed that they have also seen strange things on the map which are very scary. If someone sees a huge pit somewhere, then someone else. Recently, a person from America has claimed that he saw a ‘corpse’ standing on Google Map.

A person has recently shared a photo on the social media site Reddit which is very intimidating. In Oregon, America, a man was going to have fun with friends in a pub named Crystalball Room. He decided that he should look outside the pub on Google Maps to see if there is any parking vacant there. As soon as he checked on Google Map, his senses were blown away.

The person saw a ‘corpse’ standing near the pub. In fact, the person has claimed that he saw the body but people have different views on social media. People say that he is not a corpse but a scarecrow. But many people are also saying that what will be the work of the scarecrow in the middle city. One has even said that he is a ghost whose both hands are severed. The picture is not very clear, so it is difficult to tell exactly what the visible thing is actually.

Well, this is not the first time that Google Maps has surprised people. A few days ago a news was in the news a lot. Twitter user Karen, who lives in Cornwall, England, made a tweet which got a lot of love from the people. The woman told that she was looking at her house through the Street View feature of Google Maps when she suddenly saw her father’s picture. Surprisingly, Karen’s father had died 3 years ago. In fact, the picture Karen was seeing from Street View of Google Maps was from before her father’s death. This service of Google is not updated every day or every month. It gets updated only after a very long interval. In such a situation, when Karen saw the house, she saw a picture of her father who was doing gardening. She told that she loved doing gardening, so when her eyes fell on this picture, she was stunned.