Two-headed calf, people started running out of fear

Brazil: Many times such cases have been seen in India, when cows or other animals give babies, then they are born strange. The mouth of a calf is strange, the legs are more than four and sometimes the head is also more than one. Recently, one such strange case was seen from Brazil, when a cow gave a calf there, people got scared because this calf had two heads. Not only this, people were not going near him.

Actually, this incident is from a city called Nova Venesia in Brazil. The owner of the cow that gave birth to this calf has explained this in detail to the local media. According to reports, the name of the person is Delcy Busato. He told that as soon as it was born, no one understood how this could happen.
The person told that when the cow was giving birth to the calf, she was facing a lot of trouble. It was thought that maybe the cow would give birth to two twin calves, but after birth we saw that it was a single calf. After the calf was born, he met the animal doctor and told about this, the doctors were also surprised to know about the calf.
He told that this calf is unable to stand on its feet. Because of this he is unable to drink his mother’s milk, so he is being bottle-fed. The doctor told that it might not be able to survive for long. At present, the man also told that his cow is about six years old and before that she has given birth to two more calves, both of them are normal.

Explain that it is believed that such cases arise when genetic abnormalities are found to be the cause of changes in the genome. Sometimes such a case comes to the fore due to crossbreeding as well. A similar case had also come to the fore in Bahciresi, Turkey last month. Where a cow gave birth to a two-headed calf.