Know in which country people are looking for peace by paying money

South Korea: In a changing world where technology has made people’s work easier and everything is being done faster, people are earning a lot of money. But change always brings positivity, that cannot be said. There are also many negative consequences of change. The same thing seems to fit with technology and money. The Corona period did sound an alarm in this episode, but where is this world going to stop. Despite this, people in many parts of the world are now seeking comfort. A surprising survey has come out from South Korea where people are just looking for peace. Not only this, these people are also ready to go to jail.

It has been explained in detail about this survey that people are fed up with everyday lifestyle and they are looking for peace. In some places, it was seen that people were also paying money for peace loving places. They are ready to sell their mobile and want to leave their home all the time. The term has been named ‘hitting mang culture’ there, as well as many such pictures have been posted in the report in which people are seen resting for peace.

People don’t even want to see each other. The report said that the reason for this is that people in South Korea are fed up with the pressure of work. The Corona period has made this situation even more frightening. Here the tendency of people to find peace by spending money is increasing. Han Ye-jung, 39, who works in a company here, is looking for solace after a long shift. She says that stress is increasing in life. My friends are feeling the same way. I was walking a few days back and a man bumped into me. In the earlier situation, both would have apologized and went on their way, but now everyone is so angry that fights start.

Not only this, it has also been told in the report that according to the survey, 73 percent of the population of South Korea consider themselves stressed. According to one report, South Korean society is considered quite competitive. reported that people are also looking for a place to relax without family to get out of stress, anxiety and restlessness. During this time, he does not keep anything with him except a notepad and pen. They are sitting on the banks of the plains or the sea, the river and staring at them for hours.

Another case study reported that the Happily Foundation in Gangwon province of South Korea has designed a prison that people with notepads and a pen can stay in for hours. Apart from this, this sight is now common in other places. Many companies are also struggling, everyone is under stress. Currently, the Hitting Mang culture of South Korea is becoming very popular there.