Horoscope for December 3, 2021

Will have to work hard According to today’s prediction, you will be able to take some positive decisions in business. There will be strength in marital relations. The mind will be disturbed in the office. Take blessings of elders before doing any important work. Old disputes may emerge. Deal with money easily, the person will break his heart with his partner due to hatred. Worship Hanuman ji. Time will be favorable for financial gains.
Work will proceed with mutual consent. According to today’s prediction, the person will expand in his field of work. Travel yoga. Family will get support. There will be no tension due to this. Stay away from friends. Partner will get support in love relations. Those who study will be successful. Be careful in love life. Worship Lakshmi ji and offer bhog. Prosperity will increase. Today you will contribute in social work.
Time is not good in financial matters. According to today’s prediction, this situation has remained for a long time. The native should be very careful today, some big and inconsistent decisions can be taken under someone’s delusion. The day will start with new energy. The mind will remain unhappy due to not doing the work on time, will increase the love of someone in college friends. Worship Lord Ganesha. It will be necessary to keep restraint on speech.
Progress is possible for the employed people. In today’s prediction, if you are planning to expand your business, you will get success. Avoid anger, you are behind due to lack of confidence. Have faith in your presiding deity in the daily horoscope. Everything will be fine. There is a possibility of separation in love affairs. Today the heart will be broken by bitter things in the married life of the native. Worship Chandradev today, you will get mental peace. Today will be moderately fruitful
Disputes with colleagues are possible in business. According to today’s prediction, the person will bring changes in his lifestyle, it will be beneficial. Problems will increase due to children in the house. Take care. The financial condition of the person will improve. There will be profit in the matter of property. Today, your life partner will forget the estrangement and come together. Drinking water from a silver glass is beneficial for health. There is a possibility of sudden monetary gains.
There will be opportunities to advance in the job. Those who have a good relationship with the boss in the office. In today’s prediction, do not offend the friends of Virgo zodiac sign by making a relationship with them. You can make investments related to land and building. Time is favorable for the people related to work. Gifts and lovely things of the native will also prove to be redundant in bringing the partner closer. Today one can go to the temple, donation-dakshina is also possible. Take care of your physical and mental health.

Long-standing business problems will be solved. Don’t let others enter your personal life. Understand your responsibility towards your family. Yogas are being made for religious journey. According to today’s prediction, freedom from debt is possible. The love affair of the native will last a long time. Wearing white clothes more and more will keep your health good. Necessary discussions will take place with higher officials at the place of business.
Do not go on any wrong path in the desire to earn money. According to today’s prediction, vehicle happiness is possible for the person. People in the office will praise you due to the speaking skills of the native. Take care of your spouse. Improvement in relation to work is also possible for the job of the native. Good relations will develop. Today you will get caught in a love triangle. Giving a bag of milk to a poor woman will strengthen the financial side. You have to work hard for success.
You will achieve success with the help of luck. Establish contacts with influential people. You can make a new partnership and increase your profit. Keep control on anger, otherwise the work will be spoiled. Fun will be spent. Today you will get foreign partner. To get wealth, give water to the rising sun. It is advisable to exercise restraint on anger and speech.
Time is not favorable for bureaucrats in the job. Whatever you have been thinking for many days, it will be fulfilled today. Time is not favorable for capital investment. Take care of wife and family. Will buy essential things of the house. There will be offers from abroad regarding business. Distance will remain in love life. Chant the Surya Mantra Om Ghrini Suryay Namah. Today, by keeping restraint on speech, you will be able to avoid controversy and heartache.
Will be involved in social The mind will remain disturbed due to lack of necessary work. Due to financial constraints, you may have to take a loan. In today’s daily horoscope, the native of Aquarius will suffer loss in business. Children will not feel like studying. The native will gain popularity from his work, business earnings will increase and people will get full support. Love will get the support of wife, but avoid peeping outside. Drink water in a copper or gold vessel, it will lead to good family life. Will be excited to do new work and will also be able to start work.

You will feel the feelings of the partner in a love relationship. According to today’s prediction, you will have to work hard to get a job, only then you will get success. Time will be spent with spouse. Pisces Love Pisces natives will get caught in the affair of love in the office today. Feeding wheat and jaggery to the cow will keep the health good. Today you will have to work harder for success.

Pt. Subhash Pandey