India came forward to help African countries

New Delhi: The new variant of the corona virus, Omicron, has stirred the whole world. This virus was first found in Botswana, South Africa. Cases of Omicron infection have been reported in many African countries. Now a big announcement has been made by the Government of India regarding Africa. The Ministry of External Affairs said that India is ready to support the affected countries of Africa to deal with the infection of Omicron. Government of India is ready to supply Made in India vaccines.

After Omicron surfaced, most countries around the world have banned it, shunning South Africa. Now the Government of India has extended a hand to help African countries. Giving information, the Ministry of External Affairs said on Monday that “If needed in future, India will help African countries to deal with Omicron. For this, India is ready to supply essential life saving medicines, testing kits, gloves, PPE kits and medical equipment like ventilators. On behalf of the Ministry of External Affairs, it was told that if the need arises, Indian institutions will also consider cooperating with their African counterparts to understand the symptoms of the virus.

Significantly, the first case of Omicron was reported from Africa. So far, cases of Omicron have been reported from more than 15 countries. According to experts, this new variant of Kovid is the deadliest variant of Corona so far. The delta variant of Kovid infects as many people in 100 as Omicron infects only 15 people.

Let us tell you that every country is taking precautions regarding the Omicron virus. Concern has also been expressed by the World Health Organization regarding this. WHO has called it the Variant of Concern. Regarding the new variant of Kovid, it has been said that if it spreads, then this time its consequences can be very serious. After appearing in front of Omicron, now all countries are reviewing their travel rules again. Most countries have made quarantine mandatory for travelers coming from South Africa.