stir in the world

New Delhi. The world is on alert after Omicron, a new variant of the corona virus, was found in South Africa. This variant is now found in Australia after Singapore. New South Wales health officials said that two travelers who arrived in Sydney from southern African countries have been found to be corona infected. After this, the genome test done has shown that they are infected with Omicron variants. The World Health Organization has designated the Omicron variant as a ‘Variants of Concern’. At the same time, the North African country of Morocco has banned flights coming from abroad for 2 weeks. In the Netherlands, 61 people were found to be Corona positive on Friday. Of these, Omicron variants have been found in 13. Whereas in Germany also this variant has been found in three infected.

Morocco’s foreign ministry said on Sunday that flights coming from other countries would be suspended for two weeks from Monday. This decision has been taken due to the rapid spread of the new Omicron variant of the corona virus.

Omicron variants have been found in 13 people in the Netherlands. The danger is also that all these people had reached Amsterdam from South Africa. Altogether two flights had reached here. During the test, 61 people were found positive. After sequencing was done, it was found that 13 people have Omicron variant. All 61 people have been isolated in a hotel near the airport.

Omicron, a new variant of the corona virus found in South Africa, has raised America’s concern. In view of this, a senior US administration official said on Friday that President Joe Biden is concerned about a new corona variant found in South Africa. He is set to ban travel from eight southern African countries to the United States from Monday. The US official said the sanctions will apply to South Africa, Botswana, Zimbabwe, Namibia, Lesotho, Eswatini, Mozambique and Malawi and are being implemented as a precaution to avoid the risk of a new corona variant spreading to southern Africa.
Two patients infected with Omicron found in Australia
The Omicron variant of Corona has been confirmed in two people in Australia. According to Kyodo News, both cases have been found in New South Wales. The state government said that these people had reached Sydney from South Africa on Saturday. The state government said that both have been vaccinated and they did not have any symptoms. Earlier on Saturday, Britain had also reported two cases of Omicron variants.

There is an atmosphere of fear in the UK when Omicron was found in two people. Meanwhile, Prime Minister Boris Johnson has again imposed restrictions. On Saturday, Johnson said, ‘The government is going to tighten the rules for wearing face masks again. Now people will have to wear masks again in public transport and in shops.
Israel has banned the entry of all foreign travelers due to the new variant of the corona virus, Omicron. On Friday itself, the first patient infected with the Omicron variant was found in the country. It was only after this that Israel banned travelers from many South African countries. Now the entry of all foreigners has been banned in the country. According to ‘The Times of Israel’, the government has currently banned foreign passengers for 14 days. The ban has also come into force. ban the entry of foreigners