pet dog killed the owner

London: Dog is considered to be the most loyal animal to humans, which guards the house diligently at all times. But can a dog kill its owner? A case has come to light from Britain in which a pet dog became the cause of death of its owner and after that the relative of the owner also lost both his legs due to dog bite.
After being bitten by the dog, its owner, Barry Harris, died during treatment. According to doctors, he had a heart attack and infection had spread in his body. Harris had bought this dog before his death for 1.5 lakh rupees and was called a big teddy bear. But this dog suddenly attacked the owner one day and after three days he died during treatment.

After the death of the owner, his sister-in-law brought this dog with them, but on the day of Harris’s funeral, the dreaded dog made his brother-in-law Mark Day his victim. After the dog attack, the infection in Mark’s body had become so much that the doctors had to perform the operation and amputate both his legs and even the fingers of the left hand had to be amputated after the surgery.

Mark’s condition had become very bad after the dog bite. Doctors told that the dog is 100% responsible for his injury. During the treatment, Mark’s whole body had become cold and to save his life, he had to be forcibly kept in a coma for 10 days because his organs started to stop working. In the end, both his legs and fingers had to be amputated after doing his surgery.

Mark’s wife told that it is really like a scary dream, I cannot believe that this has happened. He said that first my brother and now husband became a victim of this dog. He told that the dog did not bite anyone, but as soon as the food came near, he used to get furious. Mark’s wife told that perhaps we have made a mistake to understand him.

The dog’s owner, Harris, had bought it a week before his death, which destroyed his family’s life. However, now Harris’ brother-in-law has returned home after spending 82 days in the hospital and he hopes that he will be able to walk further with the help of prosthetic legs.