America stopped the secretly building Chinese military post in the UAE

ABU DHABI: US intelligence agencies have learned that China was secretly preparing a military facility at a port in the United Arab Emirates (UAE). Since the UAE is currently America’s closest ally in the Middle East. In such a situation, the Joe Biden administration has warned the UAE government that China’s presence in the UAE could jeopardize relations between the two countries. The Wall Treat Journal report states that construction work has been halted after several rounds of meetings and visits by US officials.

According to the report, the US warnings relate to a site at a port near the Emirati capital of Abu Dhabi. According to officials, the UAE government had no information about Chinese military activities at the port.

Competition between the US and China in the Middle East has been increasing in recent years. The US has played a central role in this area for decades. Formation of Israel, relations with Saudi, mobilization of troops in the area and more recently Abraham Accord etc. However, Beijing has carved a niche in the region through trade and vaccine diplomacy and is busy expanding its military presence.

In recent years, China has strengthened its economic ties with the UAE. At present, China is the largest trade partner of the UAE. Beijing is also the largest consumer of Gulf oil. The UAE has also adopted the telecom infrastructure of China’s Huawei Technologies Co. Although US officials have warned that Huawei spies for the Chinese government, Beijing has denied the allegation.

Reports suggest that about a year ago, there were signs of suspicious Chinese activity at the port of Khalifa, about 50 miles north of Abu Dhabi. Since then, American officials started collecting intelligence reports. Initially, there was not much specific information, but through satellite images and other intel, officials came to the conclusion that China is engaged in military installation at the port. After this, American officials began to explain to the UAE and told that the purpose of this site is military-centric. So this construction should be stopped.

Regarding the matter, a spokesman for the Washington Embassy of the UAE has said that there has never been any negotiation or agreement between the UAE and China regarding any military base or any other type of base or post. And there is no such plan or intention. The UAE is one of America’s closest Middle East allies, and the two countries have longstanding trade and security ties. In such a situation, China’s incursion has become a threat to American interests.