Uttar Pradesh chief minister Yogi Adityanath on Thursday said that what is now happening in Bangladesh is the same as what Mughal ruler Babur’s army did in Ayodhya and Sambhal.
Speaking at the inauguration ceremony of the 43rd Ramayan Mela in Ayodhya, the BJP leader said that Lord Ram united the whole society.
“Had we given importance to unity and not let the strategy of the nation’s enemies succeed in creating social animosity, this country would have never become a slave. Our pilgrimages would not have become impure. A handful of invaders would not have dared to invade us and would be crushed by India’s brave soldiers,” Adityanath said.
Yogi said that those who created difficulties within the society managed to succeed, adding that their genes remain the same to this day. In an apparent jibe at the opposition, he said “those who indulge in caste-based politics to shatter the social fabric are still active”.
“… 500 years ago, a general of Babur committed certain deeds in Ayodhya, similar acts in Sambhal, and what is happening today in Bangladesh. The nature and DNA of all three are the same,” CM Yogi said.