Man used to eat human flesh with vodka

Russia: A news that shook the soul has come to the fore. Here a man has been sentenced to life imprisonment for killing people and eating their meat with alcohol. 32-year-old Vladimir Yadne reached jail on charges of murder of three people. He has been accused of eating human flesh.
There are many such news in the world of crime, after knowing which the soul trembles. Such incidents of crime, even thinking about which makes a strange feeling. Recently one such shocking case came to light from Russia. Vladimir, 32, who lives here, was given life imprisonment for the murder of three people. This person not only used to kill people, but after that he used to drink vodka with his raw meat.

A total of 17 hundred and 21 people live in the Gaz cell of Russia. In this population lived 32 years old Vladimir. He had killed both of them in the month of March this year after an argument with a woman and her friend. During the hearing of this case in the court, In Nosova, who is the head of the crime branch, told that after the murder of both, he had a desire to eat human flesh. In such a situation, he kept the bodies of both of them in the house and went to get liquor.

The relationship between the two people who was killed by the man did not come to the fore. Neither was the weapon found with which this murder was done. But Vladimir kept on eating the meat of both silently. Along with this, kept drinking vodka with him. The man had not even cooked human flesh to be eaten with vodka. He ate only raw human flesh. Apart from these two people, Vladimir is also accused of killing a person.

According to reports, when the police got information about the first two cases and this one case, they broke the strings. This revealed that Vladimir is the killer of the third person. During interrogation in the police, he immediately confessed his crime. According to reports, Vladimir has now been sentenced to life imprisonment.