( Horoscope )
( Horoscope )

Today’s Horoscope 12 August 2024 ( Horoscope )

Today’s Horoscope  ( Horoscope ) 12 August 2024

New ideas will come to your mind. The day is going to be very playful. You can also start a new work. The day is great to start a new business. You will get the support of your spouse. Their childishness will seem attractive to the mind. You may get good news from children. There is a possibility of success for the student class. Youth looking for employment are likely to get good employment.

New paths are opening. Contact with new people will increase. The day remains normal. Higher officials can support you in your work. The support of the boss in the office can get you a promotion. Be rest assured about your spouse. Evening time is best for lovers. The time is made for continuous progress for the student class. Youth looking for employment will get good employment opportunities. People involved in iron trade and people associated with the engineering field will get an opportunity to get special benefits.

The day is going to be better than normal for you. Time is favorable. Means of luxury may increase in your house. If you are thinking of buying a new vehicle, then today will prove to be auspicious. Family matters will be seen getting resolved. Love with spouse will increase. The day will be full of restlessness for the student class. Keep the mind under control. There is a possibility of a sudden long journey for the youth looking for employment. You will get good employment opportunities.

The atmosphere of the house will remain pleasant due to the arrival of guests in your house. The stalled work is getting momentum. You are getting full support from your spouse. Pay attention to health, evening time will prove to be excellent. Today is a good day for the student class. Success in the exam will make the atmosphere of the house pleasant. Time is going well for the youth looking for employment. With the help of an elder, you can get good employment opportunities.

You may have to travel far. Time will be full of struggle. Expenses can be high. There may be an argument with the spouse in the evening. Control your speech and intellect. Your imagination can go towards negative thinking. It is time for students to go on a tour. Success will be achieved only after the tour. It is a good time for the youth looking for employment. There is a possibility of getting some official post.

The time is continuously full of struggle. Your progress is visible but Rahu’s aspect on the ascendant can create obstacles in work. Do not do anything hiding from the law, drive carefully, there is a possibility of getting challan. It is a difficult time for students, you will have to work hard. It is a normal time for the youth looking for employment. You will have to work harder now. Results will be received later.

You will want to indulge in luxury, but there is a possibility of more expenses. Do not spend more than your means in pursuit of wealth. Showing off can prove to be costly. Feelings of fickleness will remain in your mind. Do not invest too much money in the share market. There can be sudden losses. You may have to travel far. Enemies will remain calm today. Take care of your food and drink. Stomach disease can emerge. Today seems to be a good day for students. Time is favorable for the youth looking for employment. There is a possibility of getting employment through someone’s recommendation.


The full sight of Mars on the ascendant is making you loyal. Due to which your reputation is increasing. Due to the influence of Mars, you can get new responsibilities in the work field. The day seems to be getting better. The support of your spouse is constantly there for you. Today you can also get financial support from his side. Today is a good day for students. But you may have to work harder. Today is a great day for the youth looking for employment. Today you can get good news related to employment.


This is a day of struggle. The path of progress does not seem to be opening for you. You may have to work harder. The health of your spouse can cause concern. Those who were doing business in partnership. They may also have to face trouble. The day seems to be better for students. It is a time of struggle for the youth looking for employment. There is no possibility of profit right now.

You will get appreciation in the office. It is a day of progress. There will be a possibility of promotion. There will be a possibility of going to some other post on deputation for the youth working in government jobs. Keep the restlessness of mind under control in the workplace. The day is good for the students, success will be achieved with little effort. Time is favorable for the youth looking for employment.

You will have to fulfill the decisions taken by you for a long time, otherwise you may have to face troubles. The day is going to provide stability. Do not make any such commitment, which you have to face trouble in fulfilling. Do not argue with your spouse. His mind is absolutely calm today. You can get good news from the children. Time is favorable for the youth looking for employment. If you approach any officer, it will be easy to reduce it.

Keep your mind under control. It seems to be creating mental stress. Do not take important decisions. The time is not favorable now. All work will be done if you remain calmYou will be seen to be fulfilled. There is a possibility of increase in courage. Your speech is addressing people with its effect. You will get the support of your spouse. You may get good news from your children. Youths looking for employment may have to struggle now.
Pt. Subhash Pandey