Why does the height of the children here suddenly stop?

The whole world is full of all kinds of mysteries. There are some mysteries which even scientists have not been able to solve till date. Today we are going to tell you about one such secret. You will be surprised to know that there is such a village in the world where after 7 years of birth of a child, its height does not increase. That is, people in this village remain dwarf.

This village is called ‘Cursed Village’ due to the fact that the children do not grow in height till their old age. On the world map this village is located in China. This village is like a mystery not only for the scientists of China but also for the scientists of the world. This village of dwarf people is in the Sichuan province of China. The name of the village is Yangxi.

Most of the population in the village is of short stature i.e. dwarf people. You might be surprised to hear that fifty percent of the total population living in the village are dwarfs. The length of these people ranges from 2 feet to only three feet. According to media reports, when a child is born in the village, it is normal. Initially, the height of children grows normally till the age of 5 to 7 years, but after that there is a break on their height. In some cases, the height of the children increases till the age of 10 years.

According to the people living around this village, the village is under the influence of some evil power. While on the other hand it is believed that this village is cursed for many decades. In the last 60 years, no one has been able to know anything about the secret behind people being dwarf. In the last few decades, scientists have tried a lot to find out the secret behind it, but they have not been successful in this.

The elders of the village tell that many decades ago a dangerous disease had spread in the village. Due to this disease, the height of the children of the village does not increase even today. In the last 60 years, scientists have also done many types of research on the natural resources of the village and tried to know that perhaps no such chemical has been found in the water here, which stops the growth of children after eating. However, scientists have not been able to get any positive results regarding this.

Some scientists definitely say that the amount of mercury in the soil of this village is high. In which the height of the people does not increase by eating the grains produced. Apart from this, some scientists also consider the poisonous gas released by Japan in China many years ago as the cause of dwarfism. However, scientists do not say concrete things about any reason. Well whatever the reason may be, but the secret of this village is still intact for many decades.